Do We Need Another Assassin’s Creed Game?

Bvd4S_7IMAAx6JUI am going to be completely honest with you: I don’t think we do. To tell you the truth, I am bored of this franchise. When Rogue was announce I must admit that I didn’t get excited for it and instead had to ask “when did this happen?” In fact, I will probably give it a miss, along with Unity. The main reason for this is because nothing seems to change apart from the story – and even that isn’t the best writing I’ve ever come across.


Board Game Porting?

stock-photo-colorful-play-figures-with-dice-on-board-135000779It has come to light that The Witcher series is getting its very own board game. Hold up, I hear you cry, how is that going to work? Pretty well apparently, as Fantasy Flight are publishing it.


GreenLight: Yes or No?

Steam GreenLightSteam have said “yes” to fifty new games on GreenLight today. While GreenLight as a concept is both interesting and innovative, does it actually work in practise?

In short, yes.


Rogue Legacy: Frustratingly Addictive

Rogue_LegacyRogue Legacy is a retro-looking RPG/platformer from the developer Cellar Door Games. This neat little indie game is easy to learn, but very difficult to master. With the threat of death looming over every room, it is addictive and frustrating.


Digital Content: Are We Just Renting It?

DeadPool throwing up the peace sign After the ruckus over Activision’s removal of its Marvel games because of the  expired licensing agreement, it’s got some people wondering: do we actually own our digital content? A question that has been bouncing around since digital downloads began, but it has come to the forefront again over this incident.


Rise of the Tablet: Indie Distribution


Deloitte’s latest findings suggest that nearly half of Britons have access to, or are using a tablet. While the leaps and bounds in technology are making people keep their fingers crossed for Tony Stark-style tech, this does present an interesting conundrum for indie developers and the platforms on which they can be published.


Love the NPC: What can you do for me?

Tannis' EntranceWhen it comes to NPCs in video games, some go above and beyond the entertainment value than others. I’ll be looking at Patricia Tannis from the Borderlands series. If you have yet to play these fabulous games then hopefully Tannis will be more than enough incentive to get you playing. Be wary though, she has been known to bite, no, really.
